This is me
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Exporter Business Developer
Public Speaker
Entrepreneur Investor
Industrialist Manufacturer
International Business Developer

You cannot hope
to build a better world
without improving the individuals.
From a young age, I’ve always had a sense of motivation and passion driving me forward. Whether it’s exploring unique opportunities, learning additional skills, or meeting new people, I bring these values to every experience throughout my life on a personal and professional level.
Throughout my life, I’ve approached every challenge with enthusiasm, creativity, and ceaseless desire to achieve success. This passion and drive have paved the way to countless opportunities, unique experiences and exceptional relationships both personally and professionally. If you’re interested in learning more about me, keep reading or get in touch.
What I’ve Done
ACME Trust
Indian Institute Of Master Academy
Modern Educational Society
S.A. Trust
Master Kids
Reflex Footwear
Africa, Director

Mac Attram,
# 1 international Best selling Author, the most sought-after Business coach & Trainer for Entrepreneurs and business owner

Thaddeus Lawrence,
Speaker, Trainer, Author and founder of Runway success learning practice.

Eric Ho,
International speaker, Enterpreneur, philanthropist & Author

Farook Mahmood
Chairman & MD of Silverline Group

Rajiv Srivatsa
Urban Ladder, Co-founder
